Evolution Every Second

Understanding the value of each day brings an evolution of clarity into your life.
Jul 02, 2017

Your life evolves every second. And if you’re not evolving with it, there’s going to be disharmony; there’s going to be discord; there’s going to be a separation. That’s how it is. Whether you are young, whether you are old—you’re changing! And of course, you’re allergic to changing. You don’t want to change! Why don’t you want to change? Because you think you’re perfect. I know some of you laughed.

And the trouble is, deep down inside, you think you are perfect—way, way, way, way, way deep inside. You make no mistakes, really. Now, in your perfectness, you are also humble enough—because you’re perfect, see—so you’re humble enough to accept that you are sometimes wrong, but not really.

So, telling the perfect one, “You’re changing,” is a bit of a strange news. It’s like, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, I’ve…”—you’ve heard that, right, “You’re always changing”? You’ve heard that. Do you believe it? No!

Why? Because you’re going to go home, and you’re going to do exactly what you do every single evening. Tomorrow you’re going to get up; it’s going to be a duplicate of one of the days in your life—and then one day, it won’t be duplicated.

When you will understand—not learn like a parrot—but understand the value of being alive, value of being… Do you know the value of being alive? How many of you do? Come on, raise your hand. Really? Really!? How many don’t? Okay, there are a few who don’t; there is hope for them. Very little hope for Mr. Perfect.

This is the infinite blessing. There is more joy in being alive than you can ever fathom. There is more happiness in being alive than you can ever realize. There is more clarity in being alive than you will ever, ever be able to gauge. And there is more peace in being alive than you can ever imagine.

– Prem Rawat

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